Re: FVWM: Re: FvwmTabs v1.3

From: Scott Smedley <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 18:34:23 +1100

Hi Glen,

> It doesn't seem to
> recognize FvwmTabs as the module (window?) name. I removed the 'Style "FvwmTabs"...' line
> because it isn't doing anything.

Quite right. By default perl/Tk sets the class/resource name to 'Toplevel'.

To fix, replace the Toplevel() function call in createNewTabber()
with this line of code:

my $tl = $TOP->Toplevel(Name => 'FvwmTabs', -class => 'FvwmTabs', -title => $title);

& all should be fine.

SCoTT. :)
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Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 01:40:53 GMT

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