FVWM: Re: FvwmTabs v1.3

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glen_at_fcwm.org>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 22:43:12 -0600

parv wrote:
> in message <3E28CDA9.2000400_at_fcwm.org>, wrote Glen Lee Edwards
> thusly...
>>Style "FvwmTabs" NoSticky, Title, BorderWidth 10
>>makes no difference. It's still Sticky, no Title, with
>>a BorderWidth of 2. When I removed the 'Style "Fvwm*" Sticky,
>>NoTitle' line it and all the other Fvwm Modules had a Title and
>>weren't Sticky. I seem to be unable to find a way to individually
>>configure FvwmTabs.
> you need to mind the order of Style: first write the default
> behaviour then change it for special cases, assuming number of
> special cases would be lower than the cases covered by default
> behaviour. otherwise, there won't be any need or reason for
> "default".
> below is what i have (fvwm 2.5.5) which defines the default behaviour
> for all Fvwm* modules w/ changes for particular ones...
> Style Fvwm* Sticky , NoHandles , WindowListSkip, !Borders , SloppyFocus
> Style FvwmCo* Slippery
> Style FvwmIdent* Layer 6 , WindowListHit , NoButton 1 , NoButton 2 , NoButton 4 , Title
> Style FvwmPager* Layer 6 , NoButton 1 , NoButton 2 , TitleAtRight
> Style FvwmButton* Layer 6 , NoButton 1 , NoButton 2 , TitleAtRight


I am set up that way:

# Styles for various Fvwm modules:
# Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" BorderWidth 2
Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop, FocusFollowsMouse, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmButtons" WindowListSkip,MouseFocus,NoIcon, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmButtonsPanel" NoTitle, FocusFollowsMouse, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip

I commented out the first Style line after my last letter. I'm able to get FvwmTabs to work
the way I want as long as I don't have a default Fvwm Module setting. It doesn't seem to
recognize FvwmTabs as the module (window?) name. I removed the 'Style "FvwmTabs"...' line
because it isn't doing anything.


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Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 22:43:54 GMT

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