FVWM: Re: FvwmTabs v1.3

From: Anssi Saari <as_at_sci.fi>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 09:17:47 +0200

On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 10:43:12PM -0600, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

> I commented out the first Style line after my last letter. I'm able to get
> FvwmTabs to work
> the way I want as long as I don't have a default Fvwm Module setting. It
> doesn't seem to
> recognize FvwmTabs as the module (window?) name. I removed the 'Style
> "FvwmTabs"...' line
> because it isn't doing anything.

I have a similar problem, but a little weirder: I get a message saying
NoSticky isn't a valid Style option?!?

I tried

Style FvwmTabs Title, NoSticky

as the last line of my .fvwm2rc, but I get a message

[FVWM][CMD_Style]: <<ERROR>> Bad style option: NoSticky

with restart and FvwmTabs is sticky and has no title.

I've also tried

Style FvwmTabs Title

but FvwmTabs still doesn't have a title. I do have these lines

Style Fvwm* NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style Fvwm* BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip

earlier in my .fvwm2rc. If I remove the upper, then Title and NoSticky will
work for FvwmTabs.

Now, it gets weirder. If I use Style FvwmTabs* NoSticky, Title I get a title
but FvwmTabs is still Sticky...

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Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 01:16:18 GMT

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