FVWM: focus following desktop switch. How?

From: Jules Alberts <jules.alberts_at_arbodienst-limburg.nl>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 09:50:29 +0100

Hello everyone,

My .fvwm2rc has these statements:

        key right a mc scroll 100000 0
        key right a mc scroll -100000 0

so I can shift easily to another desktop (I use 4). There is a problem
though, when I go to another desktop, the window that originally had
focus (usually on the previous desktop) still has focus. As a result I
start typing Mozilla keystrokes into Vim :-)

Is there a way to let fvwm give focus to a (most recently accessed or
the one on top) window on the current desktop?

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Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 02:52:38 GMT

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