Re: FVWM: Artifacts

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 08:01:29 +0000

On 17 Dec 2002 22:05:14 -0600, Jason White wrote:
> Recently I've started using themes. I'm using a combination of theme
> configs from the latest fvwm-themes and the themes-extra packages. One
> minor problem I've had are with graphical artifacts. I'm currently
> using the osx theme and the top bar will sometimes contain artifacts as
> will pop-up menus. Refreshing the screen or popping up the menu again
> gets rid of them, but I'd like to prevent them in the first place. An
> example of this can be found at:
> Any thoughts on what might be causing these artifacts would be
> appreciated.

I can't identify anything like on the screenshot. How did you get it?
Can you post a screenshot without artifacts?

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Received on Wed Dec 18 2002 - 02:02:46 GMT

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