FVWM: Artifacts

From: Jason White <jdw-fvwm_at_jdwhite.org>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:05:14 -0600


Recently I've started using themes. I'm using a combination of theme
configs from the latest fvwm-themes and the themes-extra packages. One
minor problem I've had are with graphical artifacts. I'm currently
using the osx theme and the top bar will sometimes contain artifacts as
will pop-up menus. Refreshing the screen or popping up the menu again
gets rid of them, but I'd like to prevent them in the first place. An
example of this can be found at:

Any thoughts on what might be causing these artifacts would be

Thank you,

Jason White (jdw-fvwm_at_jdwhite.org)  http://www.jdwhite.org/~jdwhite
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Received on Tue Dec 17 2002 - 22:06:33 GMT

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