FVWM: label for iconified window

From: Tony Tung <tonytung_at_CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:16:04 -0800 (PST)

Hi all,

I attempted to search for a solution to this problem on Google, but to no
avail. I would like to draw upon your expertise.

Pine (the mailreader) sends an escape sequence to change the label for its
icon when new mail arrives and the window is iconified. However, the
space allocated for the label by fvwm2 is fixed at the time the window is
iconified. Therefore, the new label does not show in its entirety if it
is longer than the label at the time the window is iconified. If I move
my mouse over the icon, however, the label is resized correctly (I have
sloppy focus on, which I assume makes a difference).

Is there a way to automatically resize the icon label with fvwm2 2.4?
Thanks for any help.


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Received on Fri Jan 04 2002 - 17:16:15 GMT

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