FVWM: Maximal size of a window without overlapping the taskbar

From: Stefan Grund <S.Grund_at_bzg.uni-frankfurt.de>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 18:01:15 +0200


I have a problem which I didn't solve after one day of testing
different configurations in the fvwm95.rc Perhaps somebody can
give me a hint...

Is it possible to configure in the fvwm95rc the maximal size of a
window that it can have without overlapping the TaskBar at the
bottom of the desktop (like it is in Windows)? I have always the
problem that Netscape hides the TaskBar (no AutoHide configured).
If I try to make the windows of Netscape smaller (with the geometry-
flag), it reduces it's size always at the top, but never at the bottom,
so that doesn't help me. And I don't manage to change the position
of Netscape - it seems to ignore -geometry +0+0.

This configuration is for public use of computers in a library, and
the users should see from the beginning that there is a taskbar,
without the need to change the size of Netscape manually.

So the easiest way for me would be to say in the fvwm95rc "Make
the window as big as possible without overlapping the TaskBar at the
bottom". Is this possible? Or does anybody know why Netscape
ignores the -geometry +0+0 argument?

Thank you very much for your help.


Stefan Grund
Bibliothekszentrum Geisteswissenschaften
Team 1 (Fremdspr. Phil.)
Grueneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt
Tel.: (0 69) 7 98 - 3 28 27  --  Fax: (0 69) 7 98 - 3 28 38
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