FVWM: netscape/mozilla/transient windows/activeplacement

From: Denis Perelyubskiy <denisp_at_CS.UCLA.EDU>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 20:46:30 -0700


i looked through the list archives and the FAQ, tried couple
of suggestions but could not find the solution.

when i open a search box for netscape (or certain other
transient boxes, like add files in xmms) the window is always
opened in the upper-left-hand corner of the display, and no
attention is paid to my ActivePlacement setting.

Could someone let me know if it is possible to place
transient windows, such as "find" in netscape/mozilla in
pre-specified positions?

i have fvwm
   [FVWM][main]: Fvwm Version 2.2.4 compiled on Jan 19 2000 at 00:53:30

the relevant portion of .fvwm2rc is below.

   Style "default-style" UseDecor default-decor, Color Black/#40a0c0
   Style "*" MWMFunctions
   Style "*" MWMBorder
   #Style "*" MWMDecor
   Style "*" DecorateTransient
   Style "*" RaiseTransient
   Style "*" StackTransientParent
   Style "*" NoDecorHint
   Style "*" ActivePlacement
   Style "*" NoPPosition

i am new to this list, so please excuse me if i missed some
similar discussion a while back.


 * Denis Perelyubskiy
 * icq   : 12359698
 * mailto: denisp_at_CS.UCLA.EDU 
 * PGP   : http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~denisp/files/pgp.asc
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