Re: FVWM: Re: 2.2.4 build fails with native HPUX compiler

From: Fuzzy Fox <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 12:59:05 -0600

Dominik Vogt <> wrote:
> If I configure with the HP-UX compiler but the use gcc to compile the
> output of the preprocessing step I get no errors.

The HPUX compiler isn't ANSI by default. Someday, hopefully, they will
change that. But for now, ANSI compliance only is granted when using
the proper compiler switch.

Brad Giaccio <> wrote:
> Then the HP compiler is probablly not an ansi C compiler but a k&r so
> just go with gcc.

I find a great amount of success using a configure method like this:

    env CC=cc CFLAGS='-Ae -O' ./configure [--options]

Hope that helps.

-- (Fuzzy Fox)     || "Good judgment comes from experience.
sometimes known as David DeSimone  ||  Experience comes from bad judgment."      ||                 -- Life Lessons
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Received on Tue Nov 30 1999 - 12:59:44 GMT

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