FVWM: The Wait builtin and the window name -- what does fvwm Wait for?

From: Florian v. Savigny <fsavigny_at_onlinehome.de>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 20:42:46 +0200

I am trying to implement a function which causes a bunch of programs
to start on different places of my 3x2 virtual screen, approx. like

    | |+------+ | +-------+|
    | || | | | ||
    | || | | | ||
    | |+------+ | +-------+|
    |+--+ | +------+ |+--------+|
    ||__| | | | || ||
    | +---+| +------+ || ||
    | |___|| |+--------+|

As two of the applications don't listen to X geometry specifictions,
which was what I first tried, I tried to let the window manager handle
this with GotoPage or StartsOnPage:

1 AddToFunc MyFunction
2 + "I" GotoPage 2 1
3 + "I" Exec netscape /home/florian/texte/html/learn
4 + "I" Wait "Netscape: Directory listing of /home/florian/texte/html/learn"
5 + "I" GotoPage 1 1
6 .
7 .

   (line numbers for demonstration only of course)

The problem with this is that Wait seems to wait forever: the rest of
the function below line 4 is not executed. I am puzzled about what
exactly Wait is expecting. The man page states that:

           It causes a function to pause until a new window name
           /name/ appears. /Fvwm/ remains fully functional during a

(slashes used to indicate printing in italics here). I am unsure of
whether what is meant here is the window title as displayed in the
title bar or something else. I have inquired with xprop, which gives
the following output:

    "Netscape: Directory listing of /home/florian/texte/html/learn"
    "Netscape: Directory listing of /home/florian/texte/html/learn"

and with xwininfo, which outputs

xwininfo: Window id: 0x2c00464 "Netscape: Directory listing of /home/florian/texte/html/learn"

So am I specifiying the wrong string here? The Wait thing worked fine
with things like

+ "I" Exec xterm -name "SomeName"
+ "I" Wait SomeName
+ "I" GotoPage 0 1

It did not work with Netscape, Amaya and Arena.

A similar problem with StartsOnPage:

Style "Netscape*" StartsOnPage 2 1 SkipMapping
Style "Amaya*" StartsOnPage 1 0 SkipMapping
Style "Arena*" StartsOnPage 1 1 SkipMapping

This had virtually no effect (they start where they are invoked). I
*have* set

Style "*" NoPPosition

I would appreciate helpful hints a lot.

                                               Florian von Savigny
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