Re: FVWM: FVWM 2.2 Solaris 2.6

From: Brian Barrick <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:03:17 -0800 (PST)

Robert Woodworth writes:
> Works great!
> What is the best way to start fvwm2 on Solaris with dtlogin??
> If I login with 'openwin' as my setup, (which does some black magic
> that I cannot figure out, then sources my .xinitrc) I get all sorts of
> errors: display permisions not set correctly, bad fonts, Motif libraries
> not linking in correctly for some aps ... etc...
> If I use a command line login, then run xinit, everything works fine.
> Who uses fvwm2 with dtlogin???

I am running fvwm2 from dtlogin, as you describe (selecting the
"OpenWindows" setup) with no problems. I set up the DISPLAY variable in
my .xinitrc file, which looks like this:

# .xinitrc - X-Windows startup script.

export DISPLAY

if [ -f $HOME/.Xdefaults ]; then
    xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults # Load Users X11 resource database

# ...etc.

fvwm2 & # FV Window Manager
PROC=$! # get pid of fvwm

xterm & # failsafe, in case window manager does not start

wait $PROC # Wait for the Window Manager to exit

You have to make sure your environment variables are setup in your
cshrc file (or .profile or the equivalent for your shell), because your
.login file is ignored by dtlogin by default (see comments in your
.dtprofile file).

I keep my environment variable settings (including the all-important
LD_LIBRARY_PATH) in a separate file called .login.env, and my .cshrc
file contains these lines:

if ( ! $?LOGIN_ENV ) then
        source ~/.login.env
        setenv LOGIN_ENV 1

This assures that the environment will only be established once, when I
login, and not reinitialized if I start a sub-shell.

        - Brian

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