FVWM: FVWM 2.2 Solaris 2.6

From: Robert Woodworth <woodwort_at_utmc.utc.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:46:24 -0700

Works great!

What is the best way to start fvwm2 on Solaris with dtlogin??

If I login with 'openwin' as my setup, (which does some black magic
that I cannot figure out, then sources my .xinitrc) I get all sorts of
errors: display permisions not set correctly, bad fonts, Motif libraries
not linking in correctly for some aps ... etc...

If I use a command line login, then run xinit, everything works fine.

Who uses fvwm2 with dtlogin???

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Received on Tue Feb 23 1999 - 10:49:26 GMT

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