From: Stig <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 12:08:10 -0700

Richard A. Guay wrote:
> The thing that you fail to realize is that the people who are writing
> the "new and beter" window managers are Linux only people who could
> care less about anyone else using something different! In my
> opinion, that is not an improvement but a way of splintering efforts
> to a point that nothing gets accomplished!

They have limited time and don't have access to other hardware. They tend
to take patches. There seem to be a bunch of SGI people on the
enlightenment mailing list... SGI people like cool graphics too.

Your fervor on this issue is uneducated.

> I would love to use Linux with an adaquate vidio card, but I do not
> control the hardware that I have to use in my job!

Where there's a will, there's a way.

> Most of the people working on the efforts that you have mentioned are
> simple college students with time to burn.

Oh that's _absolute_ BULLSHIT!

An awful lot of top-notch software is written or started "by simple college
students." I'll bet that most colleges are much better "work environments"
than your office, and please knock it off with the ad hominem attacks.


    "Years Of Experience: People who had ten years of experience did not
     outperform those with two years of experience. There was no
     correlation between experience and performance except that those with
     less than six months' experience with the language used in the
     excercise did not do as well as the rest of the sample."

        - Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister,
          "Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams", p47
          ISBN 0-932633-05-6

> Great! Let them at it! But they could be considerate of those locked
> into other hardware platforms.

You have to carry your own weight. You've "written one module that nobody
even uses" and you're the most vehement supporter of fvwm2?

> So quite trying to destroy Fvwm2 because you have a chip on your shoulder.
> Give constructive critisim and when possible, help out! Whining because
> things are not progressing as fast as you like is not helpful. [...]

There isn't a chip on my shoulder and I think that my input is constructive.

> Chuck has done a superb job considering he has to work a 40 hour job to
> maintian his family.

HAS DONE. Perhaps WILL DO. But right now he's too busy BooleDozing at his
job. It's nothing personal and I like Chuck, but fact is fact.

> Maybe support the author financially so that he could work
> on it more!

Sounds like a fine idea! Let him who is without hypocrisy send the first
check! I see an opportunity for you to make a difference. When Chuck
deposits his check for N-thousand dollars from you, I'll see what I can
scrape together.

(I've been taking a non-commercial approach to life for a while... Being
 young and intentionally single, I'm entirely happy with this approach.
 It's nice to have sex in the middle of the day in the middle of the week,
 and my cat makes for a more peaceful work environment than the bozo on the
 phone in the next cubicle. When I'm contracting again, I'll be generous

But this is getting entirely too personal, Richard, don't you think?

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