FVWM: current stance on proposed features?

From: Vasily Lewis <vlewis_at_woodsoup.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 18:31:12 -0500 (CDT)


        I would like to hear an "official" stance (if there is one), on
proposed aesthetic features. Things like pixmaps in modules/titlebars/bg's
gradient menus etc, etc...

        Obviously the modules changes are up to their respective
maintainers, but I would like to know if the fvwm2 developers plan to add
the things that, afterstep in particular, has implemented (the features
mentioned above). I found it a little quirky that gradient titlebars were
implemented, but not gradient menu styles.

        I've been unable to find any sort of unofficial patch archive
btw... is there such a thing? I could be convinced to maintain such an
animal if there's sufficient need. If one exists already, I'd appreciate
a pointer (searches of the archived mailing list reveal little).

-Vasily Lewis
|Its a damned poor mind | | /| / (_)__  ___/ / _ \__ _____  ___  ___ ____
|that can only think of | |/ |/ / / _ \/ _  / , _/ // / _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/
|one way to spell a word|__/|__/_/_//_/\_,_/_/|_|\_,_/_//_/_//_/\__/_/===
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Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 18:24:42 BST

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