Re: FVWM: Fvwm 2.0.45 and FvwmForm

From: Benoit Champagne <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 13:04:25 -0500

===>Mozam Hosein writes:

    Mozam> You probably dont have a .fvwm (config file) in your $HOME
    Mozam> directory, and no system.fvwm either.

    Mozam> -mo

Sorry all, but seems like my fvwm has gotten confused by restarting too many
time. I was testing the Title and Button Style and restarted fvwm quite
often. I logged out and back in and everything was fine.

Thank you for your time and sorry again!

PS: Still fvwm seems to lose its temper when you 'Restart' it too often!? Chuck?
 Continuum all the way                 COMPUTER ASSOCIATES
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