FVWM: FvwmCDE 0.1

From: Orlando Andico <orly_at_gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 00:46:29 +0800 (GMT)


 I must apologize for the slowness of the original link I gave.. people
can't bug-test if they can't download it.. :(

here's an alternate URL where you can get it:


or the original site (ack!)



Orlando Andico IRC Lab/EE Dept/UP Diliman
email: orly_at_gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph http://gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph
   "There's an obvious attraction to the path of least resistance.."

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Received on Fri Mar 21 1997 - 10:48:25 GMT

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