FVWM: FvwmIconMan 0.9.7 released

From: Allen Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: 11 Feb 1997 21:18:48 -0700

FvwmIconMan 0.9.7 is out.
1. fixed bug where it would complain if you didn't specify a managergeometry
2. added two new button drawing styles: "raisededge" and "sunkedge" which can
   be used just like up, flat, and down. They look pretty spiffy.
3. added builtin function "warp" which warps the cursor to a button.
4. MAJOR CHANGE: when a manager window is empty, it no longer unmaps the
   window. This was just causing too many race condition headaches for me, as
   well as pissing me off everytime it would remap since the damn window would
   be on top of the window stack. Now, when the manager is empty, it displays
   a "title" button. It's the same size and shape as a regular button, but
   displays the manager's title string. I mainly added the new raisededge and
   sunkedge styles so that it'll be visually obvious when the manager is
   empty. If you've seen the manager windows creep a pixel at a time when you
   switch pages, this should fix it.


 Brady Montz
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Received on Tue Feb 11 1997 - 22:19:07 GMT

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