FVWM: config problems

From: Matthias Fischmann <fischman_at_dfki.uni-sb.de>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 01:36:12 +0100 (MET)

 Hi All,

I am working hard on learning to configure fvwm2, but the following two
problems remained unsolved for weeks now, so I bother you.

 1) When I click on the window titlebar, the window gets stuck to the
   mouse and wants to be drawn to a new position. This is the way it
   should behave when I keep the mousebutton pressed, but it does so
   also when I release it within a split second. If the timeinterval
   between pressing and releasing is too small or too big, nothing

 2) An iconified window gets back to the screen in the background when
   I doubleclick on it. But I'd like it in the foreground!

Is it possible that I have a buggy version (2.0.42) of fvwm2? Or is
it really possible to configure it out? Any help? Thanx!


Matthias Fischmann             phone: +49 (681) 61891
Lessingstrasse 36              email: fischman_at_dfki.uni-sb.de
66123 Saarbruecken, Germany    http://cl-www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~fischman/
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Received on Sun Dec 15 1996 - 18:42:50 GMT

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