FVWM: Re: compile fvwm warning messages

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 15 Dec 1996 17:24:58 -0600

>>>>> "SA" == System Administrator <root_at_veda.horvitznewspapers.net> writes:

SA> The flag that is being used with gcc is "-xF" I believe, that is the
SA> problem. What is this about? I suppose that this is a flag that can be
SA> passed the the commercial /usr/ucb/cc compiler?

The trick is that if you're going to change compilers, you have to change
the Imake setups to match if you want to use Imake to build X programs. On
most Suns, the Imake setup is in /usr/openwin/lib/config.

 - J<
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