Re: FVWM: FvwmCascade Question

From: Andrew Veliath <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 11:49:46 -0500

    Martin> but only one of them has a title, and it's this one that
    Martin> is Cascading. => > My guess is (and If Andrew Veliath
    Martin> wants to jump in here go ahead) => > your stickys don't
    Martin> have titles and so since you don't have the -u switch => >
    Martin> set, they are unaffected by Cascade. => >
Sorry, I've been away for a few days.

    Martin> => Well, I just used Talk to set the style on my stickys
    Martin> to titles and they => still stick (!) However I'm running
    Martin> fvwm95 on Xterm running off an dec => alpha - dunno
    Martin> whether that will make a difference? Which subversion of
    Martin> => 0.8 - the beta? (27/11/96) => Stranger and stranger....
    Martin> => Nick =>

    Martin> Er. Yes. The 27/11/96 version..

This version by default now excludes stickies unless you specify -s
(before it didn't, i.e. the confusion). I just put a version 0.9
(code date 29/11/96) which also includes some man page fixes. Note
the -sizeup option for FvwmCascade was changed to -resize in this


Andrew Veliath <>
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