Re: FVWM: FvwmCascade Question

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 10:59:10 GMT

=> From: Nick Cross <>
=> > I'm running 0.8 too, and I invoke it with
=> >
=> > FvwmCascade 100p 100p
=> >
=> > I tried it with -sizeup and there was no change. (Incidentally, this is on
=> > Solaris 2.5 on a Sun SPARC 5, fvwm 2.0.43 with applied titlebar and border-
=> > style patches.)
=> >
=> > Do your sticky windows have titles? I have about four stickys on my screen
=> > but only one of them has a title, and it's this one that is Cascading.
=> > My guess is (and If Andrew Veliath wants to jump in here go ahead)
=> > your stickys don't have titles and so since you don't have the -u switch
=> > set, they are unaffected by Cascade.
=> >
=> Well, I just used Talk to set the style on my stickys to titles and they
=> still stick (!) However I'm running fvwm95 on Xterm running off an dec
=> alpha - dunno whether that will make a difference? Which subversion of
=> 0.8 - the beta? (27/11/96)
=> Stranger and stranger....
=> Nick

Er. Yes. The 27/11/96 version.. -
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Received on Thu Nov 28 1996 - 04:58:14 GMT

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