Re: FVWM: Re: New FvwmIconMan released, and update on miniicon patch

From: Emilio Lopes <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 96 18:48 EST

>>>>> "LW" == Lars Wirzenius <> wrote:

LW> Richard Lister:
>> What's a weekend ?...

LW> A weekend is that time when it takes ages for other people to
LW> answer mail and talk requests. It sometimes takes several days. I
LW> can't imagine what they are thinking. Perhaps they're in the
LW> middle of a _really_ intensive game of Doom. It usually takes
LW> about two days and happens five days after the previous one ended.

LW> I don't think weekends are the same as vacations. They look the
LW> same, but vacations happen more irregularly and can take several
LW> weeks at a time. Also, vacations seems to cause changes in skin
LW> color for some people, but it doesn't seem to last for very long.
LW> (Too bad, a bit of variation is always helpful for those awful
LW> face-to-face meetings. Why can't people just send me mail.)

I think I got this from comp.lang.fortran:

  -- Boss, can I ask you something?
  -- Sure.
  -- Everyone's always talking about vacations and free time and things like
     that. How come I never have any?
  -- You wouldn't like it.
  -- But they say it's better than work. They really forward to it.
  -- Remember last year, when the office was shut down for a week?
  -- When they replace all windows? Sure I remember. I couldn't play with
     a computer for a week. Horrible.
  -- Vacations are like that.
  -- Oh.
  -- So you wouldn't like them.
  -- But everyone else does.
  -- Ah, but that's because they're lusers, not hackers.
  -- Oh.
  -- Now go back and write that compiler. We need it last week.

Hope you liked.


                 Emilio C. Lopes <>
               Instituto de Fisica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
             Caixa Postal 66318, 05389-970 Sao Paulo - SP, BRAZIL
              Phone: (+55) (11) 818-6724 (Voice) / 818-6715 (Fax)
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