FVWM: Re: New FvwmIconMan released, and update on miniicon patch

From: Albrecht Kadlec <albrecht_at_auto.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 15:34:45 +0100

>>>>> Charles Hines writes:

>>>>> "BM" == Brady Montz <bradym_at_mac-bradym.cs.arizona.edu> writes:

C> Which brings me to another point. Between that, adding Andrew's
C> Titlebar pixmap patch (without the border textures just yet, although
C> I may merge some variant of that in as well), the patches from
C> Albrecht, and all the other stuff that I've put into my local
C> development version, I think one more beta before 2.1.0 might be in
C> order.

I hoped this would happen, as it's been way time that some things were
Do you plan on changing some names, before releasing this beta or the final
2.1 (seekright -> GetNextToken is on my wishlist, if GetNextToken is rooted
Just after inclusion of all relevant patches and before the release would be
the optimal time.

C> I really didn't want to do that, but I made the mistake of taking too
C> long to get it out and feeling the "need" to put a lot of things in.

and we did ours and sent patches :-)
I think it's for the benefit of everyone: no one wants to change such
things after the official release (this would mean more questions of the
form: "Are you using 1.24, 2.0 or 2.1 beta ?")

C> So, since there will be one more beta, I also would like to take care
C> of a few more things, like ressurrecting CursorStyle and TogglePaging,
C> plus some other stuff from the TO-DO list that I think should probably
C> get done before 2.1.0 now that I've thought about it some more.

good. this will halve the travel on the list:
"where did TogglePage go?" :-)

C> I'd like to get 2.0.44 out within a few weeks (it'll probably take a
C> little bit to pull all this together) then I'd like to get 2.1.0 out
C> no more than a week or two after that (with NOTHING but bugfixes and
C> absolute necessites so it won't get delayed again). Then the
C> semi-mythical Great Style Flags Rewrite and general code cleanup for
C> the next beta releases (2.2.x) sometime after that (along with
C> official 2.1.x bugfix and minor enhancement releases, which I'm sure
C> will be needed).

C> Sound good?

C> Well, gotta get back to my weekend...
I postponed my fresh air- breathing till tomorrow :)

... and, could someone please be so kind to present an algorithm to
cope with this world in real time, using incomplete knowledge !?
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