FVWM: v2.0.42: Total lockup on startup.

From: Gleb Arshinov <glebster_at_voyager0.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 16:42:23 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "Emilio" == Emilio Lopes <ecl_at_fnpc21.if.usp.br> writes:

    Emilio> In order to test, I copied the sample fvwmrc2 to
    Emilio> ~/.fvwmrc2 and start stock X11R6.1 from MIT, exit twm and
    Emilio> start fvwm2 from a xterm. Nothing happens and the machine
    Emilio> is apparently locked. Have to kill the X server.

    Emilio> A diferent thing occurs if I already start X with fvwm2 as
    Emilio> my window manager. Then fvwm2 starts, the window frames
    Emilio> are there, but no menus, no buttons, no nothing. And my
    Emilio> ~/.fvwmrc2 *is* there.

Ahm, make it ~/.fvwm2rc, it should work :-)

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