FVWM: v2.0.42: Total lockup on startup.

From: Emilio Lopes <ecl_at_fnpc21.if.usp.br>
Date: Tue, 21 May 96 19:41 EST

Hellow all,

I've tried to make fvwm-2.0.4[12] work on our HPs 715/50, running
"HP-UX gluon A.09.07 A 9000/715".

I compiled it using gcc version 2.7.2

The HP ANSI C compiler (HP92453-01 A.09.34 HP C Compiler) fails with
some errors.

The compilation using gcc goes just fine.

In order to test, I copied the sample fvwmrc2 to ~/.fvwmrc2 and start
stock X11R6.1 from MIT, exit twm and start fvwm2 from a xterm. Nothing
happens and the machine is apparently locked. Have to kill the X

A diferent thing occurs if I already start X with fvwm2 as my window
manager. Then fvwm2 starts, the window frames are there, but no menus,
no buttons, no nothing. And my ~/.fvwmrc2 *is* there.

Any hint? Has anyone got fvwm-2.0.4[12] compiled using HPUX 9/gcc/HP C?

I'm sorry to say that I'm not subscribed to this list (yet), so please
drop me a mail.

Thanks for your time.


 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:ecl_at_if.usp.br>
 FINPE, Instituto de Fisica      E-mail: ecl_at_if.usp.br
 Universidade de Sao Paulo       Phone : (+55 11) 818-6724 (Voice)
 Caixa Postal 66318                      (+55 11) 818-6715 (Fax)
 05389-970  Sao Paulo - SP
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