Re: FVWM: 1.24r -> 2.0.42 upgrade woes

From: Barry A. Warsaw <bwarsaw_at_CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:43:23 -0400

>>>>> "BEG" == Brian E Gallew <> writes:

    BEG> I, too, have a dual-headed SPARCStation, and fvwm handles
    BEG> both displays for me just fine. The secret is: *don't* use
    BEG> the -s, unless you want to do something screwey (like run
    BEG> fvwm on one and olwm on the other). fvwm correctly
    BEG> detects/handles multiple displays without user intervention.

Actually, I want to do something screwy like start fvwm individually
on both screens! :-) Because...

    BEG> One thing you may want to consider, is that on a dual-headed
    BEG> system, getting the most out of fvwm really requires m4/cpp
    BEG> preprocessing, since you'll want different configurations on
    BEG> each display.

...I usually want the same configuration on both screens, except when
playing around. So I haven't taken the time to set up preproc'ing on
my init file... ;-)

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