Re: FVWM: 1.24r -> 2.0.42 upgrade woes

From: Barry A. Warsaw <bwarsaw_at_CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:39:08 -0400

>>>>> "ch" == chuck hines <> writes:

    ch> Yup, I plan to make that change for the next beta release.
    ch> Actually, I wanted to get it into 2.0.42, but rushed at the
    ch> end to get it out because it was taking so long and neglected
    ch> to make that change. will have -f <configfile> like 'normal'
    ch> and a -cmd <configcmd> for the alternate method.

Actually, I started looking through the code. It seems like -f and
-cmd were there, but -f wasn't doing the Right Thing. Pretty easy for
me to hack that in while I wait for .43! :-)

    Me> Finally, I have a dual-headed SparcStation, so I tried
    Me> starting up fvwm version 1 with the -s option, on :0.0. Then
    Me> I tried to start up fvwm2 with -d :0.1 -s but it complained
    Me> that another WM was running. Once I use -s, how can I get
    Me> another window manager on my second screen?

    ch> Unfortunately I don't have access to any multiple display
    ch> systems, so I can't test this out... As I recall though, I
    ch> think Rob said that the multiple screen code was lacking some.

    ch> What happens if you don't use the -s? Does that work - does
    ch> fvwm2 control both screens?

    ch> And I think that someone else out there on the list has done
    ch> this before. Does anyone have any advice/experience/etc with
    ch> this?

In general, starting fvwm without -s does start an independent fvwm on
each screen. So far so good!

But I've noticed more problems with dual headed support for fvwm2.
Focus doesn't always leave the window on screen 0 if I move the cursor
to screen 1. I.e. even though the cursor is over the root window in
screen 1, all typing still goes to the last window in screen 0 that
had the focus (I think all events do this too).

In ctwm, which had pretty good dual head support, restarting on one
screen restarted them both. Now, I'm not sure I mind the way fvwm
does it (they are restarted independently), but I would definitely
want the ability to manually start a separate 'fvwm -s' on each

I wish I was more of an X wiz so I could help out. I can only feebly
suggest ripping as much as possible out of ctwm 3.3 since it did
really the best job of dual head support of any window manager I've

    Me> I'm really psyched about doing more integration with Python
    Me> and the module subsystem (yup, I've seen Jonathan Kelley's
    Me> again, cool stuff).

    ch> Sounds like you'll be making some good contributions then!
    ch> I've never played with Python myself, but I know it's gaining
    ch> in popularity. And any additional interfaces for modules can
    ch> only be good for fvwm, I think. There's some Tcl/Tk ones
    ch> already, I'd like to make a Perl interface, and now
    ch> Python. Pretty cool...

Lots of set backs, but I hope I can post at least a minimal Python/Tk
module relatively soon. Stay tuned!

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