I seem to recall a mention that FvwmTalk was being rewritten to
provide a better interface/functionality, but in the meantime, I've
been playing with the following FvwmForms that do the job pretty
nicely. Maybe others could use this as well. MyTalk is a one shot
deal, intended to be called from a menu, while MyFvwmTalk is designed
to hang around. Pity there's no way to do inheritance for things like
this, though I could probably do something with m4.
Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
# MyTalk Form
*MyTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*MyTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*MyTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
*MyTalkFore Red
*MyTalkBack Gray
*MyTalkItemFore Blue
*MyTalkItemBack Gray
*MyTalkLine center
*MyTalkText "Fvwm Function"
*MyTalkInput Func 40 ""
*MyTalkLine expand
*MyTalkButton quit "Run" ^M
*MyTalkCommand $(Func)
*MyTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R
*MyTalkButton quit "Cancel" ^C
*MyTalkCommand Nop
# MyFvwmTalk Form
*MyFvwmTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14*
*MyFvwmTalkFore Red
*MyFvwmTalkBack Gray
*MyFvwmTalkItemFore Blue
*MyFvwmTalkItemBack Gray
*MyFvwmTalkLine center
*MyFvwmTalkText "Fvwm Function"
*MyFvwmTalkInput Func 40 ""
*MyFvwmTalkLine expand
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Run" ^M
*MyFvwmTalkCommand $(Func)
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop
*MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Iconify" ^Z
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Next [MyFvwmTalk] Iconify
*MyFvwmTalkButton quit "Quit" ^C
*MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop
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Received on Wed Apr 03 1996 - 09:27:43 BST