Re: FVWM: fvwm2

From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 15:36:25 -0500 (EST)

> Ah, by the way... I have a strange bug. I have MenuStyle fvwm, and it
> happen to me the following: clicking on the menu on the titlebutton1,
> keep pressed, move to a "close" action, release. Window (e.g a xcalc)
> close, BUT pointer keep the "dot" form and you can do nothing but
> cliking somewhere, fvwm2 beeps and apparently no operation is taken.

Nice to know there's another one who has this bug (I guess). I don't find
that changing MenuStyles helps, and I can get it when I'm closing just
about any window. (For example, run netscape, press alt+f to bring up
search dialog box, then enter to start search, and I get the "dot".)

Please, could anyone who has this problem send me your .fvwm2rc? I'm pretty
sure some setting in there is the cause, I'm trying to find out just *what*.

#!/usr/bin/perl -lisubstr($_,39+38*sin++$y/9,2)=$s;print#     Joey Hess
for(1..8){$I.='JOEY HESS '}for($s='  ';;){$_=$I;eval$^I}#
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Received on Thu Mar 14 1996 - 14:36:58 GMT

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