FVWM: Positioning and resizing info

From: <spiegl_at_appl-math.tu-muenchen.de>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 17:22:18 +0100 (MET)


you all know this little box that appears in the middle of the
screen when you (re)position or size a window. Well, I was
wondering whether it's possible to specify where this box will
appear. In FVWM 1.x it was in the upper left hand corner, and
I thought that was very nice, because it didn't cause lots of
expose events on the windows.

Maybe (if it's not possible) we could add this to the TO-DO list?


PS: Please reply by private mail, since I am not on the mailing
    list anymore. (too much traffic, too much work)
  Andy Spiegl, Institute for Applied Mathematics
  University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
  E-Mail: spiegl_at_Appl-Math.TU-Muenchen.de
  URL: http://www.appl-math.tu-muenchen.de/~spiegl

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Received on Thu Feb 29 1996 - 10:23:53 GMT

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