FVWM: resize color question

From: Jonathan Watson <watson_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 08:30:04 -0500 (EST)

This question is more of a general X question that an FVWM question, but
I have heard it mentioned in discussions here that have to do with
resizing windows....Anyway here goes:

        Is there an easy way of specifying the color window manager uses
when resizing a window in 'rubber band' mode?? The standard is
black....This causes a problem for me because I like to work with a solid
black background and I can't see the 'rubber band' outline of the
window.....I have seen SOME apps use non-black outlines but haven't been
able to find an xdefalult or widget setting that changes this. I wasn't
sure if it was an X setting or a windowmanager controlable option. As far
as color goes...any thing that shows up well will work for me....

                Jon Watson
| The MITRE Corporation | Northeastern University |
| D086 Advanced Systems - Signal Processing | Boston, Mass., USA. |
| Bedford, Mass., USA. | College of Engineering (EE) |
| watson_at_linus.mitre.org | watson_at_meceng.coe.neu.edu |

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