Re: FVWM: striated title bar

From: Bryan Bartone <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 16:15:05 -0500 (EST)

How about build options that define some window look options?

>>>>> On Fri, 15 Dec 1995 11:26:07 -0500, chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM (Charles Hines) said:

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Chan <> writes:
    Charles> On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, Oreos wrote:

>>> i was wondering if anyone had a patch to borders.c that
>>> displays striated titlebars on all windows like the windows in
>>> MacOS.

>>> thanks james

    Charles> This may sound stupid, but when everyone wants to have a
    Charles> different border style, can we make the border of Fvwm a
    Charles> separate module? In that case, people can write something
    Charles> like FvwmBorder, FvwmWin95Border, and FvwmMacBorder.

    Charles> The Style command would be: FvwmWin95Border*style "xterm"
    Charles> "...." or maybe

    Charles> Style "xterm" FvwmWin95Border, Color.... Style "Emacs"
    Charles> FvwmMacBorder, Color...

    Charles> Then we don't have to hack around the source code... I am
    Charles> not familiar with programming a window manager, if you
    Charles> find my idea stupid, please say so.

    Charles> Eventually, we can have an object hierarchy, a FvwmBorder
    Charles> class, who knows how to interact with the core Fvwm, and
    Charles> other Border classes derived from there.

    Charles> It doesn't sound like a bad idea, but there are some
    Charles> potential problems with this:

    Charles> 1) Potential for very slow response on redraws if
    Charles> modules muck with borders and such. 2) Modules don't
    Charles> know about a lot of the internals like this, which would
    Charles> require big rewrites in the module communicaion code. 3)
    Charles> We can't please everyone without causing fvwm to really
    Charles> bloat.

    Charles> But actually I would like to allow modules to get info
    Charles> about the windows that could possibly allow them to muck
    Charles> with the titlebars and such. From the TO-DO list:

    Charles> - Add to module commincations to pass titlebar & button
    Charles> window ids to allow modules to muck with those windows
    Charles> (for animation, or whatever)?

    Charles> I'm not sure if this is entirely feasable, but I'd like
    Charles> to give it a shot sometime in the future.

    Charles> And #3 is always my biggest concern. Fvwm is supposed to
    Charles> be small, fast, flexible, and powerful, and there are
    Charles> tradeoffs that have to be made sometimes. One of the
    Charles> main reasons why I don't want to put a lot of Windows95
    Charles> (or MacOS or whatever) lookalike stuff in the main module
    Charles> unless it's really generically applicable and not a
    Charles> resource hog.

    Charles> Perhaps I should put a statement to that effect in the
    Charles> FAQ, eh?

    Charles> Chuck

    Charles> *******************************************************************************
    Charles> Charles K. Hines <> IBM Logic
    Charles> Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)] Martial Arts
    Charles> Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial
    Charles> Arts]

    Charles> IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're
    Charles>, just havin' a nightmare--of
    Charles> course, HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are
    Charles> still in Hell." Gary Larson
    Charles> *******************************************************************************
    Charles> -- To unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm"
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