Re: FVWM: Here is a fvwm-2.0.38 bug.

From: Ed Williams <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 15:53:16 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Randall S. Winchester wrote:

> When I startup "dclock", and move my mouse over the window, the border
> does not change color, as a sign of focus change. If the dclock is very near
> an xterm then I can move from the xterm to the dclock and the focus is still
> in the xterm. This is very odd behaviour. Other WM's do not have this
> problem. Any ideas?

Programs like clocks and xloads do not accept the keyboard focus -- they
can (and do) tell this to the window manager so that the window manager
doesn't waste time or effort dumping characters down the bit bucket!

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. . -. -.... --.. --. -. -.... --.. --. .-.-. -.-
Ed Williams (N6ZG) | work: | WWW:

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Received on Mon Oct 30 1995 - 14:54:12 GMT

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