FVWM: Two Little Problems

From: Gail Mara Gurman <gailg_at_sybase.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:51:28 -0700 (PDT)

I'm using pl37 now and it seems okay (i.e., it hasn't crashed yet), but I'm
having a problem with my Cm icon placement.

Actually, I've been having this since pl35. Cm is an xview calendar program.
I call it as follows in my .xinitrc:
   cm -i3 -fg `dark` -bg `light` -WP 85 0 &

The "-WP 85 0" is xview's icon_placement switch. It's supposed to place the
icon at +85+0. However, when Fvwm starts or restarts, the Cm icon is at
+0+0, which is where my console icon is. If I click on it once, it jumps to
the correct place. This problem never occured under Mwm.

It's not a big problem, but it is annoying.

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Received on Mon Oct 09 1995 - 11:48:42 BST

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