
The StartFunction is the function FVWM will run after it has completed reading Fvwm2rc. In this function you can preform you basic ‘StartUp’ actions after FVWM is fully configured. Note that in FVWM 2.4.x this was split up into three functions, ‘StartFunction’, ‘InitFunction’ and ‘RestartFunction’. This is no longer needed because though the ‘Test’ condition we can test if this is run after an ‘Init’ or ‘Restart’.

# StartFunction
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Test (Init) Exec exec xscreensaver
+ I Test (Init) Exec fvwm-root -r \
+ I Test (Init) Exec exec vlc
+ I Test (Restart) PipeRead 'echo Echo Restarted: `date`'
+ I Module FvwmBanner
+ I Module FvwmPager 0 2
+ I Module FvwmButtons MyButtons

Upon startup this function will launch xscreensaver and vlc if we satisfy the ‘Init’ condition (the initial launch of fvwm). I also set the background though the provided command ‘fvwm-root’ (Note: Use an application, such as feh, for backgrounds if you want to be able to scale images and use .jpeg images).

This will Echo the restart time into .xsession-errors when Fvwm is restarted. And then either if it is starting the first time or being restarted, modules are loaded. Modules must be loaded each time Fvwm restarts because they loose their communication pipe when Fvwm shuts down and restarts.

Due to FunctionSynchronisation applications you launch from StartFunction may not finish loading in the same order. FvwmStartup Tips gives a more detailed look at this.


The ExitFunction is run when fvwm Exits. By using the Quit and ToRestart conditions you can run commands depending on if you are quitting or restarting. A quick example would give

DestroyFunc ExitFunction
AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I Test (Quit) Echo Bye-bye
+ I KillModule MyBuggyModule
+ I Test (ToRestart) Beep