How FVWM starts applications
This is a direct transpose of a mailing list post by Thomas Adam, found here.
- How FVWM starts applications
A lot of people new to FVWM seem to be confused as to how FVWM goes about starting up, the files it reads in, the order their file is processed (and even if there is any order), as well as how the best way of starting up applications with FVWM is – whether they’re supposed to use something like ~/.xsession or something FVWM-specific.
The following describes the situation:
I'm using DeskTopSize 3x3 on Fvwm 2.5.27 and trying to start an xterm
on page 1 2 (middle bottom) and that sometimes works but other times
the xterm starts on page 0 0 (top left).
I'm starting the xterm in .xinitrc rather than .fvwm/config because I
want it to survive the death of the window manager.
This is trying to be achieved through use of the StartFunction and InitFunction as follows:
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec xsetroot -solid SteelBlue
+ I Module FvwmPager OnePager *
+ I Module FvwmPager FourPager 0 3
+ I GotoPage 1 2
+ I exec xlogo -render -fg blue -bg yellow -xrm "*Page: 0 1 2"
This is not quite right for several reasons:
I’m going to give you more information here than you wanted since this question comes up so often that i get tired of answering it. So this is one for the archives…
1. In which order FVWM reads in the configuration (in general)
When you run FVWM it does this in terms of config reading:
SetRCDefaults() ->
Read $(fvwm-config -d)/ConfigFvwmDefaults ->
System-wide or $HOME/.fvwm2rc file.
SetRCDefaults() is just a function that sets up the bare minimum for interacting FVWM, it provides a menu a set of limited bindings, and hopes for the best. If you pass FVWM a config which is empty, perhaps via:
fvwm -f /dev/null
… you can see for yourself what that looks like. Then, as part of SetRCDefault, the file $(fvwm-config -d)/ConfigFvwmDefaults is loaded – this expands to (on my machine):
This file is crucial. It defines a load of common functions (which tend to act as callbacks) for various things:
- “WindowListFunc” – used when an item is selected from the WindowList.
- “EWMHActivateWindowFunc” – used when an EWMH-window requires handling.
- “UrgencyFunc” – the function that’s run if an XClient demands attention – such as pidgin chat windows.
This file also defines a set of bindings for interacting with the menu (that is, fvwm_menu) defined earlier in the SetRCDefaults() function, as well as some rudimentary bindings. Nothing more though. Take a look for yourself.
After this comes either what was passed in as a file to look for via the “-f” flag, or then one of predefined list of system-wide config files FVWM expects to find, or one in $HOME – and indeed, FVWM config files are looked for in $HOME/.fvwm/ before anywhere else.
So you can gather now, what the purpose of a .fvwm2rc file is – it’s either going to augment functionality found in $(fvwm-config -d)/ConfigFvwmDefaults, or more likely replace it with functionality the user wants.
2. In which order FVWM reads in the configuration (in concrete terms)
So… now that’s covered, we now look at how your ~/.fvwm2rc file is read [1]. FVWM does nothing special. It will start at the top and read its instructions in line-by-line until it reaches the end. Depending on what it reads in, it will either execute that line on the spot, or collate line(s) together to run at a certain point.
This explains why a typical ordering is suggested for your .fvwm2rc file:
SetEnv (Ugh!)
Style lines
Since, for example, if a Style line used a variable from SetEnv, it would have to come after the env var was declared, as FVWM would be unable to interpolate it out for the specific style line, resulting in a parsing error of that line.
I said earlier that FVWM will and can collate lines to run – there’s two instances on initialisation where this is true:
In that order. Hence, now that you realise how FVWM parses its file, why it’s possible to do this:
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Beep
Style foo !Icon
AddToFunc StartFunction I Beep
… AddToFunc is cumulative when used in successive calls with a known function. So you can build up (in this case) StartFunction, and because it’s run after processing the whole file, you know you’re not going to lose anything by doing it this way.
So, InitFunction if it’s defined is called first. Then StartFunction. So you might ask what’s the difference, and why should you care. Well, here’s the rub:
So you can see now that you only need one function for your purposes, as you can add checks to StartFunction to tell it to do one thing if FVWM is initialising, and another if it’s not (i.e., presumably at restart).
So to go back to your original example of the functions you had:
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec xsetroot -solid SteelBlue
+ I Module FvwmPager OnePager *
+ I Module FvwmPager FourPager 0 3
+ I GotoPage 1 2
+ I exec xlogo -render -fg blue -bg yellow -xrm "*Page: 0 1 2"
You would now define the one function as the following:
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
+ I Test (Init) Exec exec xsetroot -solid SteelBlue
+ I Module FvwmPager OnePager *
+ I Module FvwmPager FourPager 0 3
+ I Test (Init) GotoPage 1 2
+ I Test (Init) Exec exec xlogo -render -fg blue -bg yellow -xrm "*Page: 0 1 2"
3. Miscellaneous things
There’s a couple of things to note here:
3.1. At which point you should start modules
- Modules do not get treated specifically as wanting to start just at initialisation time because you most likely don’t want this (one exception to this though would be FvwmBanner perhaps) – when FVWM restarts, modules die because FVWM closes the pipes it was using to communicate with them, so having them load up regardless of whether it’s at init time or not makes sense.
3.2. How to indentify the initialisation state
- The test for working out whether FVWM (at the time it reads the StartFunction) is in Init, is done via:
+ I Test (Init)
3.3. Use Exec exec to prevent unnecessary dead shell processes
- Unrelated to anything I’ve mentioned so far, you’ll note I am using:
Exec exec foo
As opposed to:
Exec foo
… this is so that we don’t leave the shell around that FVWM used to spawn “foo” in the first place. The double “Exec exec” takes care of that for us (with other words, it will eliminate the shell as soon as it has spawned “foo”). The process looks like this with just “Exec foo”:
FVWM ---> (shell) -> foo
But since “Exec” spawns a command via the shell, then what you end up with is a “dead” (shell) process once “foo” has loaded. So to get rid of the shell, just replace it with “foo” outright by using the “exec” builtin command of the shell, and you will get this result:
FVWM ---> foo
This is why the case is important for: “Exec exec” – the second exec will be the shell builtin.
4. Don’ts
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I InitFunction
Knowing what you do now, you should realise you don’t need this.
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
+ I InitFunction
Generally a “bad” idea – especially if your InitFunction spawns terminals.
AddToFunc SessionRestartFunction
+ I RestartFunction
See above.
5. Something about race-conditions
OK. So now on to your original question. Here’s what you have currently:
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec xsetroot -solid SteelBlue
+ I Module FvwmPager OnePager *
+ I Module FvwmPager FourPager 0 3
+ I GotoPage 1 2
+ I exec xlogo -render -fg blue -bg yellow -xrm "*Page: 0 1 2"
But, you’ve already started your “login” xterm in ~/.xinitrc. At the time InitFunction runs, several things could be happening here:
- Applications are still starting up; including your “login” window.
- The application you expected to start AFTER “GotoPage 1 2” is already mapped.
Oops. You can see the problem, right? You have a race-condition here. You don’t know at the point FVWM is running along with starting up everything else when things will come together. There is only one way you can do this reliably:
+ I Schedule 5000 Next (login) MoveToPage 0 1 2
I say “reliably” loosely here. The Schedule command is here to give the window a chance to load, and ensure it really has done before FVWM tries the condition command asked on it. Because you’re starting this application out of band from FVWM’s own start-up, expecting FVWM to be able to do anything with the window, because it might not be mapped or if it is then move it, means you can’t do things like this:
Style login StartsOnPage 0 1 2
… nor can you do something like this:
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I None (login) Exec exec xterm -T login
+ I Wait login
+ I Next (login) MoveToPage 0 1 2
(Well, you could, but you run the risk of doubling-up your original window, especially if it is just about to start when this does – you’d get two).
6. About the risk of hanging FVWM by using the Wait command
Also bear in mind that I have assumed in all of the above that you don’t need to switch to the page “0 1 2” in question – you generally don’t, c.f. SkipMapping – but before that was introduced, one of the older idioms of making applications appear on the right page was to do just this:
+ I GotoPage 0 0
+ I Exec xterm -T foo
+ I Wait foo
+ I GotoPage 0 1
+ I Exec xterm -T foo2
+ I Wait foo2
+ I GotoPage 00
… and so it goes on. Generally though no longer used. Given the caveat of using “Wait” which really will hang FVWM as it waits for a given window, it would get annoying if one of the commands you were running which was meant to spawn a window didn’t – or it had a different name as it transitioned from the time it was mapped to the point the correct XAtom of the client was consulted to match the given string used with “Wait” for example, but I digress.
7. Finally
You originally mentioned wanting this “login” window to survive the window manager. Why not cheat?
DestroyFunc ExitFunction
AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I Test (Quit) Restart xterm -T login