Re: FVWM: Default configuration

From: Uwe Pross <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:50:51 +0200

Hi there,

On 27 Aug 2003 at 19:21:17 +0300, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> > Using the CDE theme one gets black foreground on black
> > background. Any hints how to change this?
> Uwe, please spend some minutes and install fvwm and then
> fvwm-themes properly (i.e. using "./configure; make; make
> install") without any copying of directories or correcting
> paths, otherwise you will surely experience problems in
> one or another place.

You are right I copied some files and adapted some paths
since it is not that easy to get it work on many machines
for many users. Some users have different settings of PATH
and LD_LIBRARY_PATH and on machines do not have a local
installed perl or gawk.
That's the cause I played around. Most times it works on my
box, but asking my collegue shows that it is different for
another user and/or machine.

> Then if there is any problem, I will be glad to help. The
> CDE and Luthien themes depend on FvwmM4 and awk, in case
> the problem still persists.

I copied (again I know :) the file "colors" from the default
theme to the cde directory. So I got now this color scheme
with CDE. This works - I think we don't need different color
settings for CDE so this workaround is sufficient.

Thanks again, Mikhael, for the help and the hints.

Cheers, Uwe

BTW: Good work on fvwm-themes :-) For most users having a
window manager that preconfigured is good since they can
immediately start working and have a nice and useable look
too. Hopefully I get the time to integrate my fvwm settings
in a theme ;-)
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