FVWM: Re: Selective auto-shade

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 13:44:10 -0400

in message <FF5A2657765DD04CBE26437E4BABC2CD07A177_at_xch-nw-25.nw.nos.boeing.com>,
wrote Moore, Garron thusly...
> I'm trying to set up the following:
> When you click a button in the title bar, the window goes into
> auto-shade mode. This is like auto-raise, but shade instead. I'm
> having trouble figuring out how to set it up.

So, you want a window to be shaded when you click on a button?

  # make the window shaded when title bar button 4 is clicked
  Mouse 0 4 N WindowShade toggle

  # window is shaded when title bar is clicked by mouse button 3
  Mouse 3 T N WindowShade toggle

...Mind you the raise/focus issue is conveniently ignored.

> I'm sure it's the same procedure as setting up auto-raise in the
> same manner because I'm using FvwmAuto.

I don't get it. You want to use -Auto module /along with/ mouse

  - Parv

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Received on Tue Aug 05 2003 - 12:43:10 BST

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