Re: FVWM: window resize in 2.5.7

From: Jules Alberts <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:55:22 +0200

Op 23 Jul 2003 (10:59), schreef Dominik Vogt <>:
> > And it does, thanks! Another question (also new behaviour since the
> > upgrade). When I try to move gkrellm (2.1.12) it stays where it is
> > until I release the mousebutton, then it pops at the position of the
> > mousecursor. Any ideas? Thanks!
> Do you mean by clicking on the internal title of the gkrellm
> window?

Actually it's the hostname of my box inside gkrellm, and gkrellm is

It does something else that's weird. If I click hostname and keep mouse
button 1 pressed, after about 1.5 seconds the PC speaker beeps and I
can move gkrellm normally. If I click hostname and move the
mousepointer (still keeping mouse button one pressed), after the same
time, gkrellm pops to the new cursorposition.

Other apps don't do this (not even xmms).

> I don't know, it works for me. It's probably a bug in
> gkrellm.

Could be, but before I upgraded fvwm it worked as expected and I didn't
change anything gkrellmish.

I tried changing some of gkrellm internal properties (sticky state
etc.) but that doesn't change anything. Strange...
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Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 04:57:31 BST

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