Re: FVWM: gdeskcal

From: Kingsly John <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 01:01:20 +0530

+++ RvB [2003-07-21 14:08:24]:

> there seems to be a problem with gdeskcal
> ( and FVWM. it works well
> with the metacity windowmanager. with fvwm you can see flicker something
> up, that disappears immediately. the application does not crash, but
> there is no visible calendar.

I tried it out and it works "okay" for me ... I installed from rpm.

The window is very much visible... but it screws up on transparency.. it
seems to be taking a screenshot and using that as a background and if there
are any windows in the position gdeskcal appears.. you can see those windows
too in the background... moving the gdeskcal fixes the problem.

I put it Layer 0 and yet it shows an xterm that was in the default layer in
it's background!

> the problem appears with fvwm 2.5, i did not test 2.4.

Using fvwm 2.5.7


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