Re: FVWM: how to avoid passing mouse clicks to windows

From: Mike McNally <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:00:30 -0500

> > I'd like to bind a mouse button (with modifiers) to a command,
> > and I'd like for the click to not be passed to the application
> > when the click happens over a window. Is this possible? If so,
> > I suspect it's in the documentation somewhere, but I so far have
> > not found it.
> Currently, the click is always passed to the application for
> bindings using the 'W'indow context:
> Mouse 1 W S echo passed to application
> However, bindings to the 'A'ny context are not passed:
> Mouse 1 A S echo not passed to application

The code in "event.c" that makes this decision is (as far as I
can tell) not sensitive to the way that the mouse binding was
configured; it only cares about the actual context of the button

A minor hack to that code to disable click passing when the bound
event is in the window context seems to work just fine for me,
though I'm sure I'm committing some great evil by having it work
that way. (If I knew how I'd hack in a real Style option and do
it that way.)

[ you are my main foo ] Mike McNally --
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