Re: FVWM: Happy Birthday, Fvwm!

From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 15:58:53 +0200

      I'm late, sorry, work...

      I use fvwm since 1995, I think, just after discovering Linux with
and motif wm (I bought it). I'm coming from OpenVMS world where X is Motif.
fvwm was already far above regarding features and flexibility, and
lightness. This
last point was very important at this time with old PCs. Was so pleased
with fvwm
on my personnal box that I ported it to OpenVMS around 1999 to use it at
work too.
You can't imagine the jokes I received from coworkers for that, but they
were very
impressed when I switched to the version with textured decorations... Now
good times have rolled, memory is cheap but fvwm is still above regarding
and I can't follow the new ones even in reading this list on a regular

      Happy birthday and thanks to the team.


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