Re: FVWM: fvwm-themes stalls when using root menu

From: Klaus Zeitler <>
Date: 23 May 2003 12:56:34 +0200

here's more info:

I added "Module FvwmCommand" to my startup and tried:
FvwmCommand FuncFvwmMenuDirectory "/"
Same result, fvwm stalled, but now I could still use this one xterm that
had the focus. The session error file (~/.dt/sessionlogs/sfsw51_DISPLAY=:0)
now said "Option exec-file requires an argument". Somehow it seems as if
that "^emacs" in:
+ I PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-directory -d "$0" --exec-file "^emacs" --check-subdir
vanishes into thin air.
So now I created an functions-appbind-extra with
--- snip ---
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
+ I PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-directory -d "$0" --exec-file "^emacs" --check-subdir --links --wm-icons'
--- snip ---
i.e. with a quoted "^emacs" and it works!

If that error log wouldn't be overwritten when I start a new session, I'd
have found this a lot easier. I think I'm going to save that at the end of my
xsession file now.

Still I have a few questions:

1. what's happening with that "^file" expression?
2. why/how is determined that emacs is used for text files? This is certainly
   not a problem for me, cause that's the only editor I've been using since
   1985, but we have other users here that despise emacs. Isn't it possible to
   use the env variable EDITOR or some such here?



|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:     |
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