FVWM: Switching desktops with cursor keys problematic

From: Felix E. Klee <felix.klee.fvwm_at_gmx.net>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 16:49:13 +0200


some time ago I set up keyboard shortcuts for switching desktops with the
cursor keys. For example the left key calls the function

AddToFunc GotoDeskLeft
+ I . GotoDesk %{ ($[desk.n]%$f::hdesks >= 1) ? -1 : 0; }%

This function checks if the current desktop is in a certain range and calls
GotoDesk accordingly. The problem however is that when I hit the left key
very fast a couple of times, GotoDesk isn't finished between successive
calls to GotoDeskLeft. Therefore $[desk.n] might not be up to date in
certain calls to GotoDeskLeft and I end up on a desktop out of range.

Any ideas how to solve that problem?


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Received on Tue May 20 2003 - 09:51:18 BST

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