FVWM: Simple Hack: A Run Dialog

From: Felix E. Klee <felix.klee.fvwm_at_gmx.net>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 23:09:41 +0200


here is something I want to share. I found a very simple way to realize a
run dialog (similar to grun, tkrun, etc.) using an rxvt. The trick is to
bind the string " &\nexit\n" (I'm using bash) to the return key.

To start the dialog I created the following script:

    rxvt +sb -name fvwm-run-dialog -title "run" -geometry 80x1+224+360 \
    --keysym.0xFF0D: " &\nexit\n" -e bash --init-file \

As an initialization script for bash it uses:

    export PS1=""

And in my .fvwm2rc I put:

    Style fvwm-run-dialog GrabFocus
    Key R A 4 Exec exec $[HOME]/.fvwm/run-dialog

Now, I can start the dialog using "Win-R".


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Received on Mon May 05 2003 - 16:10:55 BST

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