Re: FVWM: Java buttons lost

From: <>
Date: 24 Apr 2003 17:01:32 -0700

A bit of a coincidence, but I was just getting ready to post
a similar message. I can add a bit of my info as well:

In my case I'm running a PC w/Linux. I've tried numerous
versions of FVWM (2.4.15/2.5.6). If I switch to GNOME
or KDE, things work fine. I'm actually running my Java
applet on a remote machine with the display set to my
machine. In my case, the problem seems to
be intermittent... about 70% of the time, things work, sometimes
they don't. Seems like when I start the applet up, if things
work, they always work, but if it fails, my program's GUI
hangs, and I have to kill it.

In my case too, the problem seems to effect primarily windows
which have a title bar on them (with the exception of the primary
window) If the new window that comes up has a title bar, things
are pretty much hung. Non-titled dialog boxes seem to
get handled fine.

In addition, for the main window of this program, if I set it such
that on startup a portion of the window occurs offscreen, when I pull
the window onto my visible desktop, the program acts like it doesn't
see that section... even if I do a resize, this "missing area" always
ends up non-renderred.

Another weird thing I noticed... I can run the exact same program
on a MUCH slower machine with the same configuration (redhat 9 and
same .fvwm2rc file), and things always work. (or at least, I was
10 for 10, whereas in the other machine, I was 1 for 10)

The "slow" machine is an old 200Mhz Compaq, and "fast" machine is
I believe a 1.8Ghz Dell Laptop.


On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 16:40, Mukesh Rathor wrote:
> I've this very annoying problem running JAVA gui on FVWM (2.4.15). The
> buttons get lost/disapper in Java Windows. Resizing the window does not
> resize the containers properly. This happens on FVWM on both AIX and
> Linux. However, using another window manager, KDE/CDE the problem does not
> happen. Any ideas, I like fvwm and would like to stay with it.

Jeff Echtenkamp-Cho			Broadcom Corporation
Senior Design Engineer			16215 Alton Parkway
Broadband VLSI Physical Design Group	Irvine, CA 92618
					(949) 926-5136
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