Re: FVWM: Arithmetics?

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 01:25:15 +0000

On 20 Apr 2003 22:34:23 +0200, Felix E. Klee wrote:
> Hm, don't you consider Perl a separate process? In addition, don't I need
> environment variables to interface with perl?

I mean that when you start one FvwmPerl process together with fvwm,
there are 0 forks per line. And when you invoke PipeRead (i.e. /bin/sh)
that then starts bash, printf and similar, there are 3 forks per line.

> Also, is there some reason to avoid environment variables? If I avoid name
> clashes by prefixing them all with eg. FVWM_ then I believe that shouldn't
> cause any trouble.

If it is easier for you to build a program using environment variables
(or by creating temporarily files), just do it. But there is another way.

> > FvwmPerl may also be used as a more powerful replacement for FvwmCpp and
> > FvwmM4 using its -p (--preprocess) flag.
> To be honest, I don't like that preprocessing stuff. Some standard FVWM
> expressions do always collide with the preprocessor.

This is not the case with "FvwmPerl -p", there are no such collisions.
Try it just for fun. :) Here are several random ideas for preprocessing:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Exec exec xterm -n %{ $USER eq "root" ? "superuser" : $USER }% -ls

        $MAIN_FONT = "lucidasans-10";
        _at_apps = ([ 'netscape', 'Netscape' ], [ 'xterm', 'XTerm' ]);
        $number_of_mouse_buttons = `xmodmap -pp | cut -d' ' -f3` + 0;

%ModuleConfig FvwmPager destroy
        Font %{$MY_MAIN_FONT}%
        Colorset 0
        DeskTopScale 28
%End ModuleConfig FvwmPager

AddToMenu Apps Applications Title
        $menu = "";
        foreach (_at_apps) {
                ($prog, $name) = _at_$_;
                $menu .= "+ '%$prog%$name' Exec exec $prog\n"

AddToFunc StartXTermWithUniqueTitle
+ I Exec xterm -name xterm-%{++$i}% -ls

%{ $number_of_mouse_buttons < 4 ? "Nop" : "" }% Mouse 4 R A GotoDesk +1

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

I think it is at least much more readable then your solution with bash
and dozen of environment variables.

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