FVWM: Re: Centering swallowed apps? || What clock, volume control?

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 18:14:36 -0400

in message <200304201226.16709.felix.klee.fvwm_at_gmx.net>,
wrote Felix E. Klee thusly...
> I use "watch date" in an rxvt now:
> *FvwmButtons: (1x1+11 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints) "Clock Applet" `Exec exec
> rxvt -bg grey35 -fg black -cr grey35 +sb -geometry 8x4 -T "Clock
> Applet" -e watch --no-title -n 1 'date +"%T%n%e. %b. %Y"'`)

An interesting solution to the problem indeed!

  - parv

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