Re: FVWM: Making an app pop up on the desk where it was started?

From: Felix E. Klee <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 16:58:49 +0200

On Sunday 20 April 2003 11:04, Simon Matthews wrote:
> I have no idea if the applications you are trying to use it with support
> -xrm, but in theory ... (ie completely untested):
> DestroyFunc DExec
> AddToFunc DExec
> + I Exec $0 -xrm "*Desk:$[desk.n]" $1
> if you call it using:
> DExec xterm "-e mutt"

Thanks, but this is not an option. Some applications (eg. Mozilla) ignore
that option and some (eg. Knode) complain about it and don't start at all.


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